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Friday, June 11, 2010

No Hope No Change - Part 4

Having answered the questions posed on the previous blog, you are now in a position to begin the "unpacking" process. You may have realized by now that the questions were designed to look at the source of your current thinking.

Why look for the source?

One way to illustrate the importance, is to look at the disastrous, catastrophic, and deadly explosion within the Gulf of Mexico - the oil spill of 2010. It is one of the worst of its kind in our history. As you know, BP and the government are trying to stop the flow of the thousands of gallon of oil that is flowing into the ocean each day.

When this first happened the attempt was to set fire to the oil to burn as much of it off as possible. However as you know, the oil still was pouring out into the ocean. The fire was unable to stop the flow even though no one thought it would have stopped it.

The problem was that the attempt only addressed the surface issue and not the source of the problem. The problem was to find the source which happened to be miles down into the sea and then cap it. That has not been successful. One of the reason is the depth at which the cap has to go to stop the leak.

Now that they have acknowledge or discovered the source, they can work towards solving the problem. So it is with the source of your thinking today. The priority is to find it and then try to "cap" it so it no longer flow.

What or who did you discover as your source?

Let's talk some more about that on the next blog. We will talk about now that you know, what should you do!

Let me know what you think.


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