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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

No Hope No Change Part 6

Now that you have identified the source of those haunting words or phrases that have been embedded in your mind, then the next step is seek to modify or alter what was placed there.

As I previously introduced the M.A.P strategy as the way to move from a "No hope" mode to a "Hope" mode. As you may know by now, this is no easy task. If it was, I'm sure you would have done it already.

Before we begin this very difficult task, I want to make sure that you are tracking with me up to this point. I mentioned that so many people are experiencing some form of hopelessness in their lives. Some are oblivious as to why they are feeling the way they are. Others know exactly why but don't know how to "break" free. What I am attempting to do, is to chart the "how" for those who want to get to the "hope" mode, which is really the foundation of change.

As mentioned before, one of the great psychologists of the past said this: "hope is the foundational quality of all change. No hope, no change."

John Maxwell says, "if there is hope for the future, there is power for the present". In other words, when hope is within our radar, we will find the courage, strength, and perseverance to push ahead.

If you think about it, the student who have no hope, won't study. His argument within himself is, "why study, I'm going to fail anyways". The couple who is without hope won't seek help. Both or at least one of them, have had this conversation within or among themselves, "why bother, it's not going to help anyway". The person who is ill and feel like their is no hope won't go for further medical treatment. Their conversation within themselves is, "why bother, it's not going to help anyways!"

This is what hope seeks to overcome.

Dr. Jerome Groopman from his book, “The Anatomy of Hope” make this statements: "Hope is the elevating feeling we experience when we see – in the mind’s eye – a path to a better future".

Having said all that, let me introduce the meaning of the "M" within the M.A.P strategy. The "M" is for "Modify your thoughts". This is the beginning stage of the journey. It is the starting point on your map. It is from this point that you begin to "map" your journey to your destination. In this case, "Change".

Think about this until next time.

Stay tuned for the next blog on this topic.

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